
Animal and Plant Tissue Clarity
Visikol TOX
Visikol TOX

Increase DART throughput up to 30% with Visikol TOX


Increase DART throughput up to 30% with Visikol TOX

·    Non-destructiveand rapid visualization

·    2-6 dayspecimen processing

·    Reducedoversight

·    Non-toxicreagents 

Background on skeletalvisualization in DART studies

Since Alden Benjamin Dawson firstpublished the concept of skeletal visualization with KOH and Alizarin in 1926,the process has largely been unchanged. CRO's and researchers utilize thisdigestive process to render biological tissues transparent so that they caneasily visualize skeletal features. While this process has been thegold-standard for over 90 years, it is a slow and tedious process that requiresconstant oversight. To improve this process, we have leveraged our proprietaryVisikol tissue clearing technology to create Visikol TOX that enables rapidskeletal visualization without tissue destruction.


Beyond Skeletal Visualization

Optical CT

With Visikol's improvements in the processing of animal skeletons forevaluation, many researchers ask us if we can also improve the evaluation ofthese specimens. Digitizing and automating skeletal evaluation with Optical CTis a an active area of research for our team.


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