
Tissue clearing & immunostaining
EasyIndex Optical Clearing Solution
EasyIndex Optical Clearing Solution

Brand:lifecanvas technologies

Place of Origin:U.S.A

Keywords Label:easyindex,RI matching 



Our 500ml bottle can be used for up to 12 whole mouse brains or 200+ 1 mm-thick tissue sections! With our early adopter and academic lab discount EasyIndex is the most economical option guaranteeing best RI matching results (RI=1.46 or 1.52)

EasyIndex is ideal for:

  • Cleared tissues using aqueous-based methods and others

  • Immunolabeled tissues


Note: If a sample does not contain any antibodies or only contains fixed antibodies, we recommend index matching at 37°C. Otherwise you should incubate at RT. 

 1. Shake the bottle of EasyIndex well to homogenize the solution. Let the bottle sit for ~30 minutes to allow the bubbles to settle. 

 2. Incubate the tissue in 50% EasyIndex + 50% distilled water with shaking at RT or 37°C. It is important to incubate in a sealed container to prevent evaporation. Perform in the dark or cover any tubes with aluminum foil to protect from light. Use the following volumes and recommended incubation times:

3. Incubate the tissue in 100% EasyIndex at RT or 37°C for the same duration or until transparent. 

 After index matching, the sample should be clear enough to easily see through while submerged in EasyIndex. If the solution surrounding the sample seems inhomogeneous, it suggests that the sample has not yet been fully equilibrated with the solution and should be incubated further, or that the sample is not fully delipidated. If you are not If it is not fully delipidated, simply wash out EasyIndex and clear it further. 

Note: We strongly advise against reusing EasyIndex as its Refractive Index (RI) changes after the first usage. 

Note: If a sample has been index matched and needs to be recovered and saved, the sample should be washed in PBS at RT with gentle shaking overnight and stored appropriately. You can also store samples in EasyIndex at RT but be aware that they can take on a more yellow color over time that does not effect imaging.


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